“Fake Memories: The Lunatics are running the Asylum” or: “Why Democracy died in Darkness” Germany 2020, featured online

And so,
without further ado
The Isolation Collection team would like to give our warmest thanks to all of the artists who contributed to the second room of ‚Amerika‘, and the sixth and final room of the whole, phenomenal, online exhibition ‚The Isolation Collection‘.
Jill Pallone
Lawrence Wells
Christoph Brandl
Lina Bertucci
Malik Ameer Crumpler
Zvi Tolkovsky
Brant Kingman
Kristeen Young
Stanko Sequens
Masa Hilcisin
Ofelie Penniman
Rosemary Rollins
Antonia Alexandra Klimenko
Katerina Barabasova
A big thank you also to all who have supported and taken an interest in the incredible work we have shared this year.
The Isolation Collection hopes to have more gallery news when the restrictions will be lifted and a physical exhibition is made possible.
Here’s to a Happy New Year!
Keep watching this space, keep sharing and keep safe,
Best Wishes

The I.C.


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